Simple Things You Need to Know about Your Printing Design #weneversayno

There are three responses to a piece of design: yes, no and wow.And this applies to all forms of design including printing design.You don’t necessarily have to acquire printing knowledge to know if what your printer gives you is mediocre or mind-blowing.

But sometimes you are caught in between and knowing basic elements about your printing design job you gave to a printer might just go a long way into helping you get that quality job at the end of the day when it is time for the printer to deliver your job.

So, in essence, it pays to know a bit about your printing design job.Here are a few things along with terminologies you need to know when giving a printing design job to a printer; 

Use of colors

In printing, Colors are fundamental to the quality of the job produced. In printing, the colors used are categorized as CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black Color Set) while computer graphics use RGB which is basically a combination of three colors (Red, Green, Blue)

What this means is that what you see on your computer screen is not the same thing you will probably see when it is printed.And this brings us to the next important thing when outsourcing your printing job design to a printer


Naturally, there is a huge difference between the quality of how an Image looks digitally and on print. For web images and other digital images, the resolution is not much of a problem.

But in printing, it’s safe to say that for you to retain the quality of your design or image, the design or image has to be in high resolution for it come out great.One of the best practices, in order to get your printed product coming out great, is to make sure the DPI is set at 300.

The DPI is what is known as Dots per Inch. This is the number of dots your printer would create on one square inch of your printed page. The function of the DPI is to improve the resolution of your printed images. The higher the DPI, the higher the sharpness and detail of the picture.A 150 Dpi is also acceptable, but a 300 DPI is ideal for a high-res picture.

Also, another reason why the resolution is very important when printing is scaling. When you print a larger sized image, there is the probability that some elements of the original image will be blurred out. So it’s best you consider the different elements before going ahead to print.

For instance, in scaling an image, typography is important. If you a printing a large-sized image, make sure to avoid small-sized fonts, as well as fonts that are thin and light. 

Is design done? What about Proof-reading?

Proofreading is a very essential step to do before your design goes out to print. First, it saves you from wasting money because in a situation, where you have typos on your print, that print is redundant and you might have to pay the printer to print the corrected design.

Secondly, it saves you the embarrassment when the design goes public and someone spots the error.

 However, apart from proofreading for typos, you should also look out for punctuation errors and kerning errors. Kerning is the process of adjusting the space between your letters to achieve a pleasing design. 

Now, these are some of the basic things you need to know before your print designs go to print but,

That’s not all.

Here are some terminologies that could save you from confusion when your printer designs your work.

Bleed: This has to do with the design elements that extend to the edge of the print paper. Printers indicate the bleed by indicating a bleed mark 0.125 inches past the trim area of the designed piece.

CMYK: This is the combination of 4 colors namely; cyan, magenta, yellow and black. All printed designs have to be converted to CMYK before printing except it is a low-Pantone color run.

Pantone Color: This a combination of universal colors that most printers can replicate. Every Pantone colors have the CMYK, RGB, Pantone and hexadecimal color codes and they help with color consistency throughout the printing

RGB: This is the combination of three colors mostly used in digital designs and they include; Red, Green, and Blue.


It pays to know a bit about the service you are paying for before paying for. In a situation, when you don’t understand the terms or process involved in printing your product, ask for clarification.Browse this site listing about customized gifts dubai,printing press in dubai ,t shirt printing dubai , and mug printing dubai.

If you have any printing work need, simply call our 24 hour emergency number.
052 272 0308

Contact Us

    Al Anas Adv. & Gifts Supply
    Al Anas Printing Press WhareHouse No 1, industrial area 4, Al wahda Street,PO Box:61089 ,Sharjah
    United Arab Emirates